Thursday, February 22, 2007

Two Weeks Post-Op

Catching up on late stuff!!!

Well, sounds like there was a little drama going on today! Experienced some "heavy bleeding" which means a completely soaked pad every half hour or so, then every hour, had to be evacuated from the boat I was racing on and transformed in a few minutes my bathroom into a slaughterhouse. Fortunately, the oncologist on call at my doc office responded to my call within 5 minutes. His expert opinion confirmed what intuition had already told us: this is a bit much and a trip to the ER would probably be quite appropriate.

All is well now - Sarah came to "supervise" the operations for a few hours and to bring some fresh supplies! We had nice little pizza dinner and watched a beautiful movie. The doc just "allowed" her to leave and I can now stay at home. Bed rest tomorrow (the cats will love it) and I am to call the doctor in the morning. If all is well then, should all be back to normal!


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