Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Fertility Treatment Update...

Hello dear environmental fans,

This is an update live from the "Stanford baby zoo" as we are trying the delicate operation to rescue a few eggs from an endangered species: FM's reproductive tract.

Today's scan showed that FM's response isn't as great as expected for someone her age and her hormonal levels. So the dose of 450 will be maintained to boost the response (that's the bedtime injection), and the second injection will be started tomorrow (that's a wake up call injection).
However, follicles could be seen in each ovary (2 big ones and a small one in the right one, and 2 big ones and 3 small ones in the left one).

Paperwork is being faxed back and forth to the Cryo Banks for the "droid" order.

Things feel a little rushed but under control...



I have just talked to my regular OB. She said that she has a lot of experience with patients that have had a circlage and dealt with only one patient that had a trachelectomy and a circlage (which will be my case).

However, she said that loads can be done to monitor the risk of early labor and miscarriage. I will be super monitored but she could take care of this pregnancy in her practice. She said that I might have to be on bed rest but it's not 100% certain. It will depend on how the pregnancy goes. It could be a fairly normal pregnancy.

Then, she would schedule a C-section, because I wouldn't be able to go into labor (without a ton of complication) - the C-section itself should be a routine one so no worries there. The trachelectomy doesn't make it any more complicated than a regular C-section.

So this is very good news...Hopefully the cervix (well, whatever's left of it) will heal OK so that getting pregnant won't be an issue either!


OK, so a bit of drama going on here...I am ready to order...I will go for the artist...His profile feels warm and human.

I have received a call from the REI clinic saying that they have faxed over the authorization to the Cryobank.
I called the Cryobank but they haven't received this fax.
People at the REI clinic are now gone for the I can't open an account and place an order...

The cryobank is open on Saturdays - and folks at the REI clinic to check messages in the morning on weekends, so hopefully, I can get this done tomorrow morning!

The cryobank closes in an hr (this is a late post from Friday), so there will hopefully still be vials available for this donor tomorrow!


So these meds are a little annoying.

I feel tired, I want to sleep all day, irritable - no matter what people say or do, it just feels wrong -, sad for no apparent reason, any some obstacle seems to generate a strong urge to cry. And I have a headache.

And I will pump up the dose starting tomorrow.

This is just great :)


OK - so after about an hour of self-focused whining, largely due to the meds...I just bumped into Zorro. or Zorra.

A friend happens to have an uncle who is the founder of an IVF center, and they partner with the bank hat never returned my call. This uncle is the kindest person I have ever met. He has already spent time w/ me on the phone to educate me about the various fertility options. I will call him tomorrow and see if a one day processing/delivery (on Monday) would be an option.

I will also call back the other Cryobank as they are open tomorrow morning and see if there is a donor that I like with available specimens. Worth a try anyhow, now that the faxes have finally made it through.

Reminds me of my student years...and last minute assignments...

So I have plan B1 and B2, and I feel much better already!

I was scheduled to present at an INSEAD event tonight. I have managed to find a replacement so I am off the hook. I don't think that this is the right time for me to face 100 MBAs, or would-be MBAs given that I look like a zombie right now (and frankly, I don't think that the school would want this either!!)

I will keep everyone posted.


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