Friday, March 30, 2007

Prepping for Egg Retrieval Day

OK - the procedure is scheduled. I think that I have 6 or 8 follicles, which doesn't mean that they all contain an egg. Here's my detailed schedule leading to that...

Tonight: last dose of the stimulant
Tomorrow morning: last dose of the antagonist. Start the doxycycline with dinner (likely to make me feel nauseous. I can't have any dairy products with this, so no dairy products for a few days, and no sun exposure either apparently)
Couple of days later 9:30pm EXACTLY - take the HCG shot (I need to mix some water with some powder first).This is supposed to act as a trigger for ovulation
Day after: doxycycline morning and evening (it's a pill, so no injection). No food or drink after midnight and until the "harvest" is completed
Day of Harvest: 7:30am at clinic for prep. I need to bring a credit card for the anesthesia charges (?????) and warm socks.
Day of Harvest: 8:30am - procedure starts under anesthesia (heavy sedation)
9:00 to 9:15: procedure should be over
10:00: I should be awake
11:00 - noon: I should be ready to go home.

Then for the next two days
I must rest at home for the rest of the day, start with light food. I can shower but no bath, no douching or immersion in water until cleared by doctor. Only Tylenol allowed for pain management (cramping is very common and expected, slight bleeding and spotting also normal)
No driving for 72 hours
I must have a responsible adult with me for at least 12 hours after I come home (since I will apparently act like I am drunk - this has got to be very entertaining!!)
No intercourse and no exercise whatsoever for ~ 2 weeks
1 doxycycline pill in the afternoon and another one in the evening (nausea very likely)

I must take 1 pill of Doxycycline in the morning and one in the evening until I run out of pills.

I need to call the lab the first day of my next menstrual period so the doctor can remove the ban on douching and tampons...


A friend from work has kindly volunteered to chauffeur me down to the clinic.
Another friend has kindly offered to drive me back home and work from my cozy appartment for the rest of the day.
I will gently go to sleep with the musical sound of legalese songs as she is a lawyer.
And my sailing partner will arrive in time for the aperitif and will stay overnight.
The cats will keep me entertained all day. I know they will want wet food.

Thank you everyone. Much much appreciated


There are some conversations that I thought I would never have...Here are some quotes.

"I get to keep my uterus a little while longer!" (FM)
"I just wanted to let you know that we haven't received the sperm yet" (fertility clinic nurse)
"We will overnight ship the semen and it should get there by Tuesday. Your order number is " - Cryobank order line
"There's a $50 charge if we have to put back the sperm on the shelf on the day of shipment" - Cryobank client services
"How much semen would you like to purchase?" - Cryobank order line
"Oh, you want to freeze some eggs too? Then I need you to sign a consent form for eggs, the one you signed already is only for freezing embryos" - fertility clinic nurse
"The day after the egg retrieval procedure, we will call you to give you the cryopreservation report" - (Blade Runner or fertility clinic nurse)
"you have a nice pharmacy fridge" (Nathan)
"Meow meow neuteured meow? whaaarf whaarf" - (Hershel my cat)


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