Monday, April 09, 2007

Egg Freezing and The Path To Sainthood

Dr. Westphall does a conference call, which you can download/listen to at:
Pretty cool stuff!!! Dr Westphal is a pioneer in that field. Apparently, they really get 10 to 20 eggs normally...I guess that 7 is really on the low side...And apparently my FSH level was a little high (12, whatever that means!) which could be the problem (eg, not so responsive to the drugs).

Some of you have asked me about timing for the trachelectomy. I needed to wait for 6 weeks after the last surgery before any other surgery. So this gave us time for an IVF cycle and it fits perfectly with this schedule because I also need to wait for 3 weeks after the egg retrieval procedure before I can have surgery. The egg retrieval procedure is performed under anesthesia but it isn't really a surgical procedure in that there really is no incision. It's just a big needle :)

And to end on a happy note!

GYN Cancer is accepted by all religions and peace movements around the world. This is a disease that just makes it impossible for patients to sin. During various treatments (or related protocols such as IVF cycles), it is dangerous to:

- Drink alcohol (even wine...)
- Have intercourse
- Enjoy the sun
- Indulge in more vigorous exercise than hoisting fork to mouth
- Eat ice-cream, milk-based pastries and cheese
- Drive a car

It also sounds very difficult to be French without sin then. No sex, no wine and no cheese???


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